Every year, Jesuit holds its highly anticipated Welcome Week to celebrate new students and welcome them into the school. Usually held in the final week of August, Welcome Week is meant to introduce new students to the Jesuit student body. Various activities are planned throughout the week, all tied together by a common theme. This year, the Jesuit Student Council attempted to make this the best Welcome Week yet with their secret weapon: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
“Blue Jays! You must use your training to stop Shredder and take back the Gong. Now, go, my children, and save the Gong!” - Master Splinter (aka Mr. Stafford)
MONDAY: During Monday morning assembly, the Turtles were overpowered by Shredder’s gang and the gong was stolen. A speech was made by Master Splinter (Mr. Stafford), and the Turtles set out to reclaim the gong. At lunch, there was an obstacle course where students had to dodge water balloons, sprint to the finish line, and grab pizza boxes in order to help the Turtles save the day.
TUESDAY: The next day brought Donatello’s axe throwing in the courtyard. Students tried their best to nail the bullseye, but the task proved difficult, and many of these weapons ended up in the parking lot.
WEDNESDAY: Wednesday’s challenge was a favorite of many students. The Turtles launched pizza rolls from the third-floor balcony as students on the ground below tried to catch them in their mouths.
THURSDAY: The final day of Welcome Week began with the most elaborate challenge of all. Students used a baseball bat to hit different fruits and vegetables against the wall. By the time lunch was over, the courtyard was littered with a heap of crushed produce. The day ended with a showdown between the Turtles and Shredder in which the gong was finally returned to its rightful owners.
The annual tradition of Welcome Week is always a great way to start the school year, and this year’s theme was one to remember. Both new and older students enjoyed the activities. These different competitions and challenges welcomed eighth graders into the school and provided fun and entertainment for the entire student body.