Fill Up the Tank: Mission Drive 2024
Raising funds to support the Jesuit mission in Kyrgyzstan, the annual Mission Drive is putting the event in "drive."
Gentleman, start your engines! Putting the “drive” in Mission Drive, the annual Lenten fundraiser is ready to race towards Kyrgyzstan. This year’s Mission Drive will benefit the works of the Jesuit mission in Kyrgyzstan and it’s work to help the small Christian community in the surrounding area.
In Kyrgyzstan, Christianity holds a modest presence, with approximately 7% of the population identifying as Christians. Among them, 4% align with the Russian Orthodox denomination, constituting the largest Christian group in the country. However, other Christian denominations, including Protestant churches, represent a minority within Kyrgyzstan's religious landscape.
Over the past 150 years, the Catholic Church has maintained a historical presence in Kyrgyzstan, primarily among citizens with German, Polish, or Ukrainian heritage. Despite its longstanding history, the Catholic community has experienced significant emigration to Europe or Russia in recent decades. Presently, the Catholic population in Kyrgyzstan is estimated to range between 550 to 1500 individuals.
“The Mission Drive is intrinsically focused outward on serving others. In this way, the Mission Drive helps to show the whole of the Lenten spirit and uniting oneself to Christ.”
- Mr. Jeff Miraflor, S.J., Co-Director of Campus Ministry
Despite its relatively small size, the Catholic Church in Kyrgyzstan plays a vital role in providing extensive pastoral, spiritual, and educational resources. Rooted in historical ties, including the Papal Mission to the Society of Jesus, the Church remains committed to its core mission of promoting salvation and the flourishing of souls through the teachings of Jesus Christ. Amidst the unique challenges of the region, the Catholic community endeavors to uphold its faith and share its light in the pursuit of spiritual growth and communal well-being.
The annual Lenten Mission Drive is all about making sacrifices, giving back, and finding renewal in the love of Christ. The Lenten Mission Drive is an opportunity for our community to be generous in helping others. “When other Lenten practices are often focused to the interior life, how one can develop a better prayer life and personal acts of penance, the Mission Drive is intrinsically focused outward on serving others,” said Mr. Jeff Miraflor, S.J., Director of Campus Ministry. He added, “In this way, the Mission Drive helps to show the whole of the Lenten spirit and uniting oneself to Christ.”
This year the goal of the Mission Drive is to raise $15,000 that will go towards the mission in Kyrgyzstan with some of the funds going to the Harry Thompson Center locally. In order to achieve this goal, Campus Ministry will be hosting a number of different events throughout Lent including: Friday bread fasts, homeroom collections for Fresh Kick Fridays, and the annual Teacher Silent Auction, where faculty auction off gifts, events, and prizes.
For more information about the Mission Drive, please visit the Campus Ministry Office.